Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Asbestosis Compensation Claims

Asbestosis is considered as an occupational lung disease. It is a respiratory affliction swallowing and inhalation of asbestos fibers causes this disease. In the case of asbestosis the asbestos fibers implant themselves in the inner lung tissues and initiate scarring.In due course the scarring results in fibrosis.fibrosis deadens the tissue.The area of the lung tissue becomes very hard and it loses the capacity to absorb oxygen. Long term exposure to asbestos fibers heightens the risk of asbestosis.
The victims of asbestosis suffer from shortness of breath, persistent cough, and pain in the chest and tightness in the chest. Many a times the patients suffer from nail abnormalities and clubbing of fingers.
People working in construction industry, automobile industry, shipping industry mining and milling industry at a great risk of getting asbestosis. Asbestos worker's exposure may inflict his family members because the worker carries home the asbestos particles deposited on his clothing. Pleural plawaues, pleural effusion, malignant mesothelioma are asbestos associated diseases.
Asbestosis has no curative treatment the patients can be given oxygen therapy at home this relieves the patient from the shortness of breath. To remove secretions from lungs to postural drainage the patient can be given respiratory physiotherapy. Additional hazards can be detected by cancer screening evaluations, chest x-rays and clinical evaluations.
If a person has been diagnosed with asbestosis, he is entitled to file a claim or a lawsuit against the companies that are directly responsible for his asbestos contamination and exposure. Such persons must seek the help of expert attorneys and get their claims settled

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